Development of all-round motor skills

Move is aprofessionally designedprogram ofplay which takes advantage of unique environment and special tools which allow children to develop essential motor skills. Children have a great chance to get know various sport, art and physical activates which will help to uncover their talent. Move program guarantees the unforgettable fun and all-round motor skills development.

V čom môže vaše dieťa vynikať ?

V čom môže vaše dieťa vynikať ?

Ako rýchlo rozpoznať správne psychologické a motorické vlastnosti talentu detí . V čom sa odlišujú šikovné detí od ostatných. Takto vyzeral načrtnutý model po hodinách diskusie športového metodológa a psychológa.

02.08.2018 12:36 čítaj viac >
Letný Kemp iMove 2018

Letný Kemp iMove 2018

Športovo - dobrodružný pobytový kemp v krásnej prírode na Mlýnkoch je nachystaný a tešíme sa na Vás tento rok opäť :)

22.05.2018 09:24 čítaj viac >

Naše ciele

  • givechildren opportunity to experience unforgettable fun
  • developthe proper motor skills essential for the further sport career of children: throwing, catching, kicking, stopping, hitting, ball control, balance, etc.
  • test their performance in various sport, art and physical activities
  • attract interest to the sports and physical activities through the engaging play activities
  • uncover talent and personal coordination preference of children
  • improve executive functions (ability to concentrate, focusedattention, planning, decision making, short-term memory)
  • positively influence the personal development of children and support their self-confidence.